Equitable Representation: Crafting Policy Recommendations to Enhance Inclusion in Clinical Trials
Students will engage in a project where they research, analyze, and develop policy recommendations aimed at improving inclusion in clinical trials. They will examine the impact of various strategies, such as guidance documents, mandates for representative participant inclusion and direct reimbursement for participants on increasing inclusion in these trials. The project will culminate in a presentation where students propose their recommendations to a panel of experts, including local policymakers, health professionals, and community leaders. Project Objectives: Understand the importance of inclusion in clinical trials for equitable healthcare outcomes. Analyze current barriers to inclusion in clinical trials, including social, economic, and systemic factors. Evaluate the potential effects of mandates and direct reimbursements on participant inclusion. Develop skills in research, policy critical thinking, collaboration, and public speaking. Create actionable policy recommendations to enhance inclusion in clinical trials. Engage with real-world stakeholders to present and advocate for their policy proposals.