- Description
YCRC is the connection between your business and our diverse and growing community. We provide RESOURCES, ADVOCACY, RELATIONSHIPS, and PROGRAMS to help you capitalize on our region's strengths.
As the largest chamber in our SC region, we work in partnership with nearly 800 businesses and organizations from Fort Mill, Rock Hill, Tega Cay and York. We are CACCE accredited, and powered by a professional staff and a strong, diverse volunteer leadership team.
YCRC is a member of the Employer Provided Innovation Challenges (EPIC) initiative, hosted by The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. EPIC is generously supported by the American Student Assistance (ASA) and the Walton Family Foundation.
- Portal website
- https://www.yorkcountychamber.com
Recent opportunities
EPIC @ WU - Business Research Symposium
BADM 391
EPIC aspires to significantly scale high-quality work-based learning experiences through a national network of accredited clearinghouses that provide authentic, employer-led problem-based learning experiences to learners and workers. This opportunity, provided by York County Regional Chamber of Commerce offers local businesses to work with learners from Winthrop University to help you problem solve or focus on a specific business challenge. The learners will collaborate with you on the challenge, how this might be approached, what solutions could be posed and present you with final presentations.
EPIC Opportunities - call for challenge project
EPIC aspires to significantly scale high-quality work-based learning experiences through a national network of accredited clearinghouses that provide authentic, employer-led problem-based learning experiences to learners and workers. This opportunity, provided by York County Regional Chamber of Commerce offers local businesses to work with learners from Clinton College to help you problem solve or focus on a specific business challenge. The learners will collaborate with you on the challenge, how this might be approached, what solutions could be posed and present you with final presentations.